
Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Works of Mercy Ministry

The Missionaries of Mercy is a Works of Mercy ministry whose mission is to bring the love and mercy of God to all of our brothers and sisters through the Spiritual and Corporal works of mercy - one prayer at a time, one person at a time, one neighborhood at a time. Through prayer, personal interaction, neighborhood engagement, and helping-hands for those in need, we seek to foster love, restore hope, and enrich souls. 

We will be visiting neighborhoods throughout our Parish, extending the merciful hand of Jesus Christ, His Church, our Pastor, and our parishioners, sharing the Good News, while providing "Hope Bags" containing information about our Church, our Ministry, our Prayer Line - accompanied with refrigerator magnets and wallet cards, as well as information about our Diocese and current affairs via the Catholic Free Press, who is graciously providing newspapers for our missionaries endeavors.

In addition to neighborhood engagement, we will be extending ourselves to visit local hospitals, nursing homes, the homebound and any location where the members of our community need the love of God through His Works of Mercy. 

We ask you to please Pray for our Lord's Church, our Parish, and our Ministry, and we invite you to consider joining us as we share the love and mercy of God with our brothers and sisters.

Visit our website at or on Facebook at  
PRAYER LINE: 24-Hour Dedicated Prayer Line: 508-434-0106
You may also Email your intentions to,
You can also indicate your intentions in the Prayer Book in the Narthex.